Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N1B4

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 5,023,895 to 5,027,895 on scaffold unitig_2|quiver.unitig_0|quiver.unitig_1|quiver|pilon:

500 ntPf1N1B4_4553 and Pf1N1B4_4554 are separated by 9 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_4554 and are separated by 78 nucleotides and Pf1N1B4_4555 overlap by 875 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_4555 and Pf1N1B4_4556 are separated by 53 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_4556 and Pf1N1B4_4557 are separated by 2 nucleotidesPf1N1B4_4557 and Pf1N1B4_4558 are separated by 82 nucleotides Pf1N1B4_4553 - FIG00959354: hypothetical protein, at 5,021,987 to 5,024,857 _4553 Pf1N1B4_4554 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC, at 5,024,867 to 5,025,355 _4554 frame +2, at 5,025,434 to 5,026,357 frame +2 Pf1N1B4_4555 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase (EC, at 5,025,483 to 5,025,602 _4555 Pf1N1B4_4556 - D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC, at 5,025,656 to 5,026,363 _4556 Pf1N1B4_4557 - FIG00955691: hypothetical protein, at 5,026,366 to 5,027,649 _4557 Pf1N1B4_4558 - Outer membrane lipoprotein-sorting protein, at 5,027,732 to 5,028,568 _4558

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