Browse Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 517,118 to 521,118 on scaffold AE015451:

500 ntPP_0430 and PP_0431 are separated by 28 nucleotidesPP_0431 and are separated by 127 nucleotides and PP_0432 overlap by 1029 nucleotidesPP_0432 and PP_0433 are separated by 99 nucleotidesPP_0433 and PP_0434 are separated by 59 nucleotides PP_0430: PP_0430 - conserved protein of unknown function, at 517,059 to 518,015 _0430 PP_0431: PP_0431 - conserved membrane protein of unknown function, at 518,044 to 518,469 _0431 frame +2, at 518,597 to 519,640 frame +2 PP_0432: PP_0432 - N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase 1, at 518,612 to 519,646 _0432 PP_0433: PP_0433 - Iron-sulfur cluster insertion protein ErpA, at 519,746 to 520,144 _0433 PP_0434: PP_0434 - Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase, at 520,204 to 521,295 _0434

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