Browse Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 5,927,309 to 5,931,309 on scaffold 241:

500 ntBT4510 and BT4511 are separated by 135 nucleotidesBT4511 and are separated by 93 nucleotides and BT4512 overlap by 1047 nucleotidesBT4512 and BT4513 are separated by 4 nucleotidesBT4513 and BT4514 are separated by 18 nucleotides BT4510: BT4510 - putative helicase (NCBI ptt file), at 5,926,125 to 5,928,080 BT4510 BT4511: BT4511 - hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 5,928,216 to 5,928,650 BT4511 frame +3, at 5,928,744 to 5,929,874 frame +3 BT4512: BT4512 - putative zinc-type alcohol dehydrogenase (NCBI ptt file), at 5,928,828 to 5,929,880 BT4512 BT4513: BT4513 - putative rRNA methylase (NCBI ptt file), at 5,929,885 to 5,930,685 BT4513 BT4514: BT4514 - hypothetical protein (NCBI ptt file), at 5,930,704 to 5,931,522 BT4514

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