Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens FW300-N2E2

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 6,126,846 to 6,130,846 on scaffold unitig_0|quiver.unitig_1|quiver|pilon:

500 ntPf6N2E2_5331 and Pf6N2E2_5332 are separated by 112 nucleotidesPf6N2E2_5332 and overlap by 110 nucleotides and Pf6N2E2_5333 overlap by 1131 nucleotidesPf6N2E2_5333 and Pf6N2E2_5334 are separated by 131 nucleotides Pf6N2E2_5331 - ATPase, AFG1 family, at 6,126,064 to 6,127,158 _5331 Pf6N2E2_5332 - Transcriptional regulator containing an amidase domain and an AraC-type DNA-binding HTH domain, at 6,127,271 to 6,128,260 _5332 frame +3, at 6,128,151 to 6,129,542 frame +3 Pf6N2E2_5333 - Butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC, at 6,128,412 to 6,129,548 _5333 Pf6N2E2_5334 - Oxidoreductase, aldo/keto reductase family, at 6,129,680 to 6,130,720 _5334

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