Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 625,218 to 629,218 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc02260 and SMc02261 are separated by 189 nucleotidesSMc02261 and are separated by 8 nucleotides and SMc02262 overlap by 1185 nucleotidesSMc02262 and SMc02263 overlap by 4 nucleotides SMc02260: SMc02260 - ABC transporter ATP-binding protein, at 624,952 to 625,806 SMc02260 SMc02261: SMc02261 - transcriptional regulator, at 625,996 to 626,610 SMc02261 frame +3, at 626,619 to 627,818 frame +3 SMc02262: SMc02262 - aminotransferase, at 626,634 to 627,824 SMc02262 SMc02263: SMc02263 - hypothetical protein, at 627,821 to 629,434 SMc02263

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