Browse Shewanella sp. ANA-3

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 63,053 to 67,053 on scaffold 248374:

500 ntShewana3_0053 and gpsA are separated by 4 nucleotidesgpsA and are separated by 214 nucleotides and Shewana3_0055 overlap by 1179 nucleotidesShewana3_0055 and Shewana3_0056 are separated by 722 nucleotides Shewana3_0053: Shewana3_0053 - preprotein translocase subunit SecB (RefSeq), at 62,731 to 63,216 _0053 Shewana3_0054: gpsA - NAD(P)H-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (RefSeq), at 63,221 to 64,237 gpsA frame +3, at 64,452 to 65,654 frame +3 Shewana3_0055: Shewana3_0055 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 64,476 to 65,660 _0055 Shewana3_0056: Shewana3_0056 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 66,383 to 67,246 _0056

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