Browse Escherichia coli BW25113

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 647,310 to 651,310 on scaffold 7023:

500 ntcitF and citE are separated by 10 nucleotidescitE and overlap by 903 nucleotides and citD overlap by 100 nucleotidescitD and citC are separated by 14 nucleotides b0615: citF - citrate lyase, citrate-ACP transferase (alpha) subunit (NCBI), at 647,262 to 648,794 citF b0616: citE - citrate lyase beta chain (acyl lyase subunit) (VIMSS), at 648,805 to 649,713 citE frame -2, at 648,811 to 649,809 frame -2 b0617: citD - citrate lyase, acyl carrier (gamma) subunit (NCBI), at 649,710 to 650,006 citD b0618: citC - citrate lyase synthetase (citrate (pro-3S)-lyase ligase (VIMSS), at 650,021 to 651,079 citC

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