Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 654,218 to 658,218 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_0651 and Dshi_0652 are separated by 20 nucleotidesDshi_0652 and Dshi_0653 are separated by 45 nucleotidesDshi_0653 and overlap by 837 nucleotides and Dshi_0654 overlap by 969 nucleotidesDshi_0654 and Dshi_0655 are separated by 250 nucleotides Dshi_0651: Dshi_0651 - NUDIX hydrolase (RefSeq), at 653,737 to 654,693 _0651 Dshi_0652: Dshi_0652 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 654,714 to 655,202 _0652 Dshi_0653: Dshi_0653 - Prephenate dehydratase (RefSeq), at 655,248 to 656,090 _0653 frame -1, at 655,254 to 657,182 frame -1 Dshi_0654: Dshi_0654 - cytochrome c class I (RefSeq), at 656,214 to 656,738 _0654 Dshi_0655: Dshi_0655 - extracellular solute-binding protein family 5 (RefSeq), at 656,989 to 658,890 _0655

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