Browse Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 690,859 to 694,859 on scaffold Psest_Contig47.1:

500 ntPsest_0635 and Psest_0636 are separated by 2 nucleotidesPsest_0636 and overlap by 100 nucleotides and Psest_0637 overlap by 825 nucleotidesPsest_0637 and Psest_0638 are separated by 10 nucleotidesPsest_0638 and Psest_0639 are separated by 76 nucleotidesPsest_0639 and Psest_0640 are separated by 116 nucleotides Psest_0635: Psest_0635 - ATP-dependent helicase HrpB, at 689,487 to 691,637 _0635 Psest_0636: Psest_0636 - Predicted soluble lytic transglycosylase fused to an ABC-type amino acid-binding protein, at 691,640 to 692,455 _0636 frame +1, at 692,356 to 693,363 frame +1 Psest_0637: Psest_0637 - Short-chain dehydrogenases of various substrate specificities, at 692,539 to 693,369 _0637 Psest_0638: Psest_0638 - Predicted lactoylglutathione lyase, at 693,380 to 693,808 _0638 Psest_0639: Psest_0639 - Uncharacterised protein family (UPF0259)., at 693,885 to 694,565 _0639 Psest_0640: Psest_0640 - Uncharacterized conserved protein, at 694,682 to 695,158 _0640

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