Browse Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 723,567 to 727,567 on scaffold NZ_CP010537:

500 ntRR42_RS24065 and overlap by 3 nucleotides and RR42_RS24070 overlap by 1053 nucleotidesRR42_RS24070 and RR42_RS24075 are separated by 71 nucleotidesRR42_RS24075 and RR42_RS24080 are separated by 195 nucleotides RR42_RS24065: RR42_RS24065 - hypothetical protein, at 723,591 to 725,030 _RS24065 frame +3, at 725,028 to 726,107 frame +3 RR42_RS24070: RR42_RS24070 - hypothetical protein, at 725,055 to 726,113 _RS24070 RR42_RS24075: RR42_RS24075 - hypothetical protein, at 726,185 to 727,162 _RS24075 RR42_RS24080: RR42_RS24080 - hypothetical protein, at 727,358 to 728,245 _RS24080

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