Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 759,956 to 763,956 on scaffold NC_003037:

500 ntSMa1379 and SMa1381 are separated by 100 nucleotidesSMa1381 and overlap by 1353 nucleotides and SMa5031 overlap by 29 nucleotidesSMa5031 and SMa1386 overlap by 4 nucleotides SMa1379: SMa1379 - ABC transporter substrate-binding protein, at 759,691 to 761,166 SMa1379 SMa1381: SMa1381 - oxidase, at 761,267 to 762,625 SMa1381 frame -2, at 761,273 to 762,640 frame -2 SMa5031: SMa5031 - hypothetical protein, at 762,612 to 762,869 SMa5031 SMa1386: SMa1386 - oxidoreductase, at 762,866 to 763,846 SMa1386

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