Browse Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 846,225 to 850,225 on scaffold NC_007626:

500 ntAMB_RS04045 and overlap by 41 nucleotides and AMB_RS04050 overlap by 1836 nucleotidesAMB_RS04050 and AMB_RS04055 are separated by 71 nucleotides AMB_RS04045: AMB_RS04045 - B12-binding domain-containing radical SAM protein, at 845,817 to 847,313 _RS04045 frame +1, at 847,273 to 849,177 frame +1 AMB_RS04050: AMB_RS04050 - thiamine pyrophosphate-binding protein, at 847,342 to 849,183 _RS04050 AMB_RS04055: AMB_RS04055 - DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS family aminotransferase, at 849,255 to 850,427 _RS04055

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