Browse Sphingomonas koreensis DSMZ 15582

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 878,847 to 882,847 on scaffold Ga0059261_unitig_0_quiver.1:

500 ntGa0059261_0838 and Ga0059261_0839 overlap by 4 nucleotidesGa0059261_0839 and overlap by 191 nucleotides and Ga0059261_0840 overlap by 1122 nucleotidesGa0059261_0840 and Ga0059261_0841 overlap by 1 nucleotidesGa0059261_0841 and Ga0059261_0842 are separated by 30 nucleotides Ga0059261_0838: Ga0059261_0838 - Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase A subunit and related amidases, at 877,795 to 879,156 _0838 Ga0059261_0839: Ga0059261_0839 - Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, at 879,153 to 880,334 _0839 frame +1, at 880,144 to 881,550 frame +1 Ga0059261_0840: Ga0059261_0840 - Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, at 880,429 to 881,556 _0840 Ga0059261_0841: Ga0059261_0841 - Acyl-CoA thioesterase, at 881,556 to 882,443 _0841 Ga0059261_0842: Ga0059261_0842 - TonB family C-terminal domain, at 882,474 to 883,580 _0842

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