Browse Cupriavidus basilensis FW507-4G11

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 906,727 to 910,727 on scaffold NZ_CP010537:

500 ntRR42_RS24820 and RR42_RS24825 are separated by 129 nucleotidesRR42_RS24825 and RR42_RS24830 are separated by 35 nucleotidesRR42_RS24830 and overlap by 795 nucleotides and RR42_RS24835 overlap by 188 nucleotidesRR42_RS24835 and RR42_RS24840 are separated by 70 nucleotides RR42_RS24820: RR42_RS24820 - hypothetical protein, at 905,688 to 906,893 _RS24820 RR42_RS24825: RR42_RS24825 - carnitine dehydratase, at 907,023 to 908,177 _RS24825 RR42_RS24830: RR42_RS24830 - 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase, at 908,213 to 909,013 _RS24830 frame -3, at 908,219 to 909,235 frame -3 RR42_RS24835: RR42_RS24835 - carnitine dehydratase, at 909,048 to 910,385 _RS24835 RR42_RS24840: RR42_RS24840 - aldehyde dehydrogenase, at 910,456 to 911,916 _RS24840

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