Browse Klebsiella michiganensis M5al

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 916,071 to 920,071 on scaffold NZ_CP020657:

500 ntBWI76_RS04435 and BWI76_RS04440 are separated by 31 nucleotidesBWI76_RS04440 and overlap by 94 nucleotides and BWI76_RS04445 overlap by 864 nucleotidesBWI76_RS04445 and BWI76_RS04450 are separated by 10 nucleotides BWI76_RS04435: BWI76_RS04435 - [citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase, at 916,335 to 917,363 _RS04435 BWI76_RS04440: BWI76_RS04440 - citrate lyase ACP, at 917,395 to 917,688 _RS04440 frame +3, at 917,595 to 918,548 frame +3 BWI76_RS04445: BWI76_RS04445 - citrate (pro-3S)-lyase subunit beta, at 917,685 to 918,554 _RS04445 BWI76_RS04450: BWI76_RS04450 - citrate lyase subunit alpha, at 918,565 to 920,091 _RS04450

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