Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 1 objects) for nucleotides 935,964 to 939,964 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_922 and are separated by 152 nucleotides and HP15_923 overlap by 1644 nucleotidesHP15_923 and HP15_924 overlap by 4 nucleotidesHP15_924 and HP15_925 are separated by 129 nucleotides HP15_922: HP15_922 - proline racemase, at 935,918 to 936,979 _922 frame +1, at 937,132 to 938,796 frame +1 HP15_923: HP15_923 - acetyl-coA synthetase/AMP-(fatty) acid ligase, at 937,153 to 938,802 _923 HP15_924: HP15_924 - thioesterase family protein, at 938,799 to 939,215 _924 HP15_925: HP15_925 - alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein, at 939,345 to 940,022 _925

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