Browse Shewanella sp. ANA-3

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 3,723,978 to 3,727,978 on scaffold 248374:

500 ntShewana3_3105 and are separated by 211 nucleotides and overlap by 1377 nucleotides and Shewana3_3106 overlap by 1324 nucleotidesShewana3_3106 and Shewana3_3107 are separated by 50 nucleotides Shewana3_3105: Shewana3_3105 - aldehyde dehydrogenase (acceptor) (RefSeq), at 3,723,574 to 3,725,070 _3105 frame +2, at 3,725,282 to 3,726,685 frame +2 region with similarity, at 3,725,309 to 3,726,674 region with similarity Shewana3_3106: Shewana3_3106 - beta alanine--pyruvate transaminase (RefSeq), at 3,725,351 to 3,726,691 _3106 Shewana3_3107: Shewana3_3107 - methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [acylating] (RefSeq), at 3,726,742 to 3,728,232 _3107

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