Browse Caulobacter crescentus NA1000

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,368,123 to 1,372,123 on scaffold NC_011916:

500 ntCCNA_01242 and CCNA_01243 are separated by 99 nucleotidesCCNA_01243 and overlap by 1747 nucleotides and overlap by 192 nucleotides and CCNA_01244 are separated by 1693 nucleotides CCNA_01242: CCNA_01242 - amino acid permease, at 1,367,607 to 1,369,202 _01242 CCNA_01243: CCNA_01243 - ATP-dependent helicase hrpB, at 1,369,302 to 1,371,773 _01243 frame +2, at 1,370,027 to 1,370,221 frame +2 region with similarity, at 1,370,030 to 1,370,219 region with similarity CCNA_01244: CCNA_01244 - hypothetical protein, at 1,371,913 to 1,372,320 _01244

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