Browse Caulobacter crescentus NA1000

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,963,209 to 1,967,209 on scaffold NC_011916:

500 ntCCNA_01832 and CCNA_01833 overlap by 1 nucleotidesCCNA_01833 and overlap by 41 nucleotides and CCNA_01834 overlap by 2002 nucleotides CCNA_01832: CCNA_01832 - beta-glucosidase, at 1,961,197 to 1,963,485 _01832 CCNA_01833: CCNA_01833 - glucosylceramidase, at 1,963,485 to 1,964,894 _01833 frame -1, at 1,964,854 to 1,967,010 frame -1 CCNA_01834: CCNA_01834 - oxidoreductase, at 1,965,009 to 1,967,531 _01834 region with similarity, at 1,965,285 to 1,965,564 region with similarity

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