Browse Caulobacter crescentus NA1000

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,403,122 to 2,407,122 on scaffold NC_011916:

500 ntCCNA_02253 and CCNA_03965 are separated by 55 nucleotidesCCNA_03965 and CCNA_02254 are separated by 108 nucleotidesCCNA_02254 and overlap by 1155 nucleotides and overlap by 1201 nucleotides and CCNA_02255 are separated by 159 nucleotides CCNA_02253: CCNA_02253 - hybrid CAP effector domain/patatin phospholipase protein, at 2,402,492 to 2,404,267 _02253 CCNA_03965: CCNA_03965 - hypothetical protein, at 2,404,323 to 2,404,409 _03965 CCNA_02254: CCNA_02254 - isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase, at 2,404,518 to 2,405,678 _02254 frame -2, at 2,404,524 to 2,405,732 frame -2 region with similarity, at 2,404,532 to 2,405,720 region with similarity CCNA_02255: CCNA_02255 - lysozyme-family localization factor spmX, at 2,405,880 to 2,407,175 _02255

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