Browse Caulobacter crescentus NA1000

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 3,057,462 to 3,061,462 on scaffold NC_011916:

500 ntCCNA_02902 and are separated by 70 nucleotides and overlap by 1224 nucleotides and CCNA_02903 overlap by 1132 nucleotidesCCNA_02903 and CCNA_02904 are separated by 126 nucleotidesCCNA_02904 and CCNA_02905 are separated by 92 nucleotides CCNA_02902: CCNA_02902 - xylan alpha-1,2-glucuronosidase, at 3,056,617 to 3,058,752 _02902 frame +2, at 3,058,823 to 3,060,175 frame +2 region with similarity, at 3,058,952 to 3,060,101 region with similarity CCNA_02903: CCNA_02903 - bifunctional D-altronate/D-mannonate dehydratase, at 3,058,970 to 3,060,181 _02903 CCNA_02904: CCNA_02904 - GntR-family transcriptional regulator, at 3,060,308 to 3,061,057 _02904 CCNA_02905: CCNA_02905 - very short patch repair (Vsr) endonuclease, at 3,061,150 to 3,061,527 _02905

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