Browse Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL-12

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,073,006 to 2,077,006 on scaffold 57145:

500 ntDshi_1965 and Dshi_1966 are separated by 259 nucleotidesDshi_1966 and overlap by 1737 nucleotides and overlap by 310 nucleotides and Dshi_1967 are separated by 9 nucleotides Dshi_1965: Dshi_1965 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 2,072,939 to 2,073,871 _1965 Dshi_1966: Dshi_1966 - dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (RefSeq), at 2,074,131 to 2,075,873 _1966 frame -1, at 2,074,137 to 2,075,888 frame -1 region with similarity, at 2,075,579 to 2,075,876 region with similarity Dshi_1967: Dshi_1967 - catalytic domain of components of various dehydrogenase complexes (RefSeq), at 2,075,886 to 2,077,187 _1967

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