Browse Escherichia coli BW25113

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,515,513 to 1,519,513 on scaffold 7023:

500 ntb1445 and ydcY are separated by 85 nucleotidesydcY and ydcZ are separated by 0 nucleotidesydcZ and yncA overlap by 4 nucleotidesyncA and are separated by 75 nucleotides and yncB overlap by 1032 nucleotidesyncB and overlap by 696 nucleotides and b1450 are separated by 205 nucleotidesb1450 and yncD are separated by 35 nucleotides b1445: b1445 - orf, hypothetical protein (VIMSS), at 1,515,413 to 1,515,586 b1445 b1446: ydcY - hypothetical protein (NCBI), at 1,515,672 to 1,515,905 ydcY b1447: ydcZ - predicted inner membrane protein (NCBI), at 1,515,906 to 1,516,355 ydcZ b1448: yncA - predicted acyltransferase with acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase domain (NCBI), at 1,516,352 to 1,516,870 yncA frame +2, at 1,516,946 to 1,518,082 frame +2 b1449: yncB - predicted oxidoreductase, Zn-dependent and NAD(P)-binding (RefSeq), at 1,517,051 to 1,518,088 yncB region with similarity, at 1,517,393 to 1,518,080 region with similarity b1450: b1450 - orf, hypothetical protein (VIMSS), at 1,518,286 to 1,518,951 b1450 b1451: yncD - predicted iron outer membrane transporter (NCBI), at 1,518,987 to 1,521,089 yncD

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