Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,382,294 to 1,386,294 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_1319 and are separated by 75 nucleotides and overlap by 1263 nucleotides and HP15_1320 overlap by 1192 nucleotidesHP15_1320 and HP15_1321 are separated by 210 nucleotidesHP15_1321 and HP15_tRNA22 are separated by 126 nucleotidesHP15_tRNA22 and HP15_tRNA23 are separated by 64 nucleotidesHP15_tRNA23 and HP15_tRNA24 are separated by 25 nucleotidesHP15_tRNA24 and HP15_1322 are separated by 453 nucleotides HP15_1319: HP15_1319 - alanyl-tRNA synthetase, class IIc, at 1,380,978 to 1,383,608 _1319 frame +3, at 1,383,684 to 1,384,946 frame +3 region with similarity, at 1,383,684 to 1,384,905 region with similarity HP15_1320: HP15_1320 - aspartate kinase: aspartate kinase, monofunctional class, at 1,383,714 to 1,384,952 _1320 HP15_1321: HP15_1321 - carbon storage regulator, at 1,385,163 to 1,385,339 _1321 HP15_tRNA22: HP15_tRNA22 - tRNA-Ser, at 1,385,466 to 1,385,555 _tRNA22 HP15_tRNA23: HP15_tRNA23 - tRNA-Arg, at 1,385,620 to 1,385,696 _tRNA23 HP15_tRNA24: HP15_tRNA24 - tRNA-Arg, at 1,385,722 to 1,385,798 _tRNA24 HP15_1322: HP15_1322 - conserved hypothetical protein, at 1,386,252 to 1,387,145 _1322

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