Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,572,530 to 1,576,530 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_1497 and HP15_1498 are separated by 21 nucleotidesHP15_1498 and overlap by 2124 nucleotides and overlap by 2173 nucleotides and HP15_1499 are separated by 24 nucleotides HP15_1497: HP15_1497 - GTP-binding protein EngA, at 1,572,065 to 1,573,423 _1497 HP15_1498: HP15_1498 - phosphate acetyltransferase, at 1,573,445 to 1,575,574 _1498 frame -1, at 1,573,451 to 1,575,637 frame -1 region with similarity, at 1,573,465 to 1,575,610 region with similarity HP15_1499: HP15_1499 - acetate/propionate kinase, at 1,575,635 to 1,576,831 _1499

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