Browse Marinobacter adhaerens HP15

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,804,337 to 2,808,337 on scaffold CP001978:

500 ntHP15_2655 and are separated by 1 nucleotides and overlap by 1692 nucleotides and HP15_2656 overlap by 1654 nucleotidesHP15_2656 and HP15_2657 are separated by 90 nucleotidesHP15_2657 and HP15_2658 are separated by 5 nucleotides HP15_2655: HP15_2655 - methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, at 2,803,984 to 2,805,495 _2655 frame +2, at 2,805,497 to 2,807,188 frame +2 region with similarity, at 2,805,497 to 2,807,177 region with similarity HP15_2656: HP15_2656 - glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase, at 2,805,524 to 2,807,194 _2656 HP15_2657: HP15_2657 - threonine efflux protein, at 2,807,285 to 2,807,905 _2657 HP15_2658: HP15_2658 - nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerase, at 2,807,911 to 2,808,582 _2658

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