Browse Shewanella loihica PV-4

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 4,019,712 to 4,023,712 on scaffold 113993:

500 ntShew_3371 and are separated by 916 nucleotides and overlap by 1059 nucleotides and Shew_3372 overlap by 805 nucleotidesShew_3372 and Shew_3373 are separated by 225 nucleotidesShew_3373 and Shew_3374 are separated by 220 nucleotides Shew_3371: Shew_3371 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 4,019,944 to 4,020,363 _3371 frame +2, at 4,021,280 to 4,022,377 frame +2 region with similarity, at 4,021,319 to 4,022,144 region with similarity Shew_3372: Shew_3372 - arginase/agmatinase/formiminoglutamase (RefSeq), at 4,021,340 to 4,022,383 _3372 Shew_3373: Shew_3373 - ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase (RefSeq), at 4,022,609 to 4,023,364 _3373 Shew_3374: Shew_3374 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq), at 4,023,585 to 4,024,208 _3374

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