Browse Phaeobacter inhibens BS107

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,872,391 to 1,876,391 on scaffold PGA1_c:

500 ntPGA1_c17910 and PGA1_c17920 are separated by 164 nucleotidesPGA1_c17920 and PGA1_c17930 are separated by 635 nucleotidesPGA1_c17930 and overlap by 732 nucleotides and overlap by 745 nucleotides and PGA1_c17940 are separated by 77 nucleotidesPGA1_c17940 and PGA1_c17950 are separated by 185 nucleotides PGA1_c17910: PGA1_c17910 - 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5- phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino] imidazole-4-carboxamide isomerase-like protein, at 1,872,238 to 1,872,981 _c17910 PGA1_c17920: PGA1_c17920 - acyl carrier protein AcpP, at 1,873,146 to 1,873,379 _c17920 PGA1_c17930: PGA1_c17930 - 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase FabG, at 1,874,015 to 1,874,752 _c17930 frame -2, at 1,874,021 to 1,874,770 frame -2 region with similarity, at 1,874,026 to 1,874,761 region with similarity PGA1_c17940: PGA1_c17940 - malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase FabD, at 1,874,839 to 1,875,771 _c17940 PGA1_c17950: PGA1_c17950 - Cytochrome B561, at 1,875,957 to 1,877,261 _c17950

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