Browse Phaeobacter inhibens BS107

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,206,971 to 2,210,971 on scaffold PGA1_c:

500 ntPGA1_c21320 and PGA1_c21330 are separated by 39 nucleotidesPGA1_c21330 and PGA1_c21340 are separated by 103 nucleotidesPGA1_c21340 and overlap by 1413 nucleotides and overlap by 1435 nucleotides and PGA1_c21350 are separated by 226 nucleotides PGA1_c21320: PGA1_c21320 - TIGR02453 family protein, at 2,206,770 to 2,207,504 _c21320 PGA1_c21330: PGA1_c21330 - uncharacterized peroxidase-related enzyme, at 2,207,544 to 2,208,152 _c21330 PGA1_c21340: PGA1_c21340 - putative L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase, at 2,208,256 to 2,209,674 _c21340 frame -3, at 2,208,262 to 2,209,770 frame -3 region with similarity, at 2,208,336 to 2,209,680 region with similarity PGA1_c21350: PGA1_c21350 - DNA topoisomerase 4 subunit B, at 2,209,907 to 2,211,865 _c21350

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