Browse Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,343,649 to 1,347,649 on scaffold AE015451:

500 ntPP_1168 and PP_1169 are separated by 9 nucleotidesPP_1169 and PP_1170 are separated by 64 nucleotidesPP_1170 and overlap by 876 nucleotides and overlap by 1129 nucleotides and PP_1171 overlap by 26 nucleotidesPP_1171 and PP_1173 are separated by 403 nucleotides PP_1168: PP_1168 - D-glucuronate / D-galacturonate TRAP transporter, small permease component (from data), at 1,343,552 to 1,344,136 _1168 PP_1169: PP_1169 - D-glucuronate / D-galacturonate TRAP transporter, solute receptor component (from data), at 1,344,146 to 1,345,117 _1169 PP_1170: PP_1170 - D-glucaro-1,5-lactonase UxuL (from data), at 1,345,182 to 1,346,063 _1170 frame -3, at 1,345,188 to 1,346,318 frame -3 region with similarity, at 1,345,190 to 1,346,111 region with similarity PP_1171: PP_1171 - Uronate dehydrogenase (EC (from data), at 1,346,086 to 1,346,892 _1171 PP_1173: PP_1173 - porin-like protein, at 1,347,296 to 1,348,534 _1173

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