Browse Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,955,881 to 2,959,881 on scaffold AE015451:

500 ntPP_2588 and overlap by 3 nucleotides and overlap by 1569 nucleotides and PP_2589 overlap by 1480 nucleotidesPP_2589 and PP_2590 are separated by 141 nucleotides PP_2588: PP_2588 - Aminotransferase, class III, at 2,955,663 to 2,957,045 _2588 frame +3, at 2,957,043 to 2,958,728 frame +3 region with similarity, at 2,957,160 to 2,958,720 region with similarity PP_2589: PP_2589 - Aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein, at 2,957,241 to 2,958,734 _2589 PP_2590: PP_2590 - Outer membrane ferric siderophore receptor, at 2,958,876 to 2,961,191 _2590

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