Browse Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 4,301,744 to 4,305,744 on scaffold AE015451:

500 ntPP_5627 and PP_3775 are separated by 137 nucleotidesPP_3775 and overlap by 1143 nucleotides and overlap by 1216 nucleotides and PP_3776 overlap by 35 nucleotidesPP_3776 and PP_3777 are separated by 5 nucleotides PP_5627: PP_5627 - protein of unknown function, at 4,302,810 to 4,303,016 _5627 PP_3775: PP_3775 - putative sarcosine oxidase, at 4,303,154 to 4,304,302 _3775 frame -1, at 4,303,160 to 4,304,383 frame -1 region with similarity, at 4,303,168 to 4,304,329 region with similarity PP_3776: PP_3776 - putative permease (RarD protein), at 4,304,295 to 4,305,209 _3776 PP_3777: PP_3777 - conserved protein of unknown function, at 4,305,215 to 4,306,054 _3777

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