Browse Shewanella amazonensis SB2B

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 3,893,658 to 3,897,658 on scaffold 248323:

500 ntSama_3278 and Sama_3279 are separated by 1 nucleotidesSama_3279 and overlap by 1851 nucleotides and overlap by 1171 nucleotides and ilvM are separated by 68 nucleotidesilvM and Sama_3281 overlap by 4 nucleotides Sama_3278: Sama_3278 - threonine dehydratase (RefSeq), at 3,893,120 to 3,894,715 _3278 Sama_3279: Sama_3279 - dihydroxy-acid dehydratase (RefSeq), at 3,894,717 to 3,896,573 _3279 frame -1, at 3,894,723 to 3,896,621 frame -1 region with similarity, at 3,895,451 to 3,896,594 region with similarity Sama_3280: ilvM - acetolactate synthase 2 regulatory subunit (RefSeq), at 3,896,663 to 3,896,914 ilvM Sama_3281: Sama_3281 - acetolactate synthase 2 catalytic subunit (RefSeq), at 3,896,911 to 3,898,581 _3281

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