Browse Shewanella amazonensis SB2B

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 635,341 to 639,341 on scaffold 248323:

500 ntSama_0515 and Sama_0516 are separated by 35 nucleotidesSama_0516 and Sama_0517 are separated by 126 nucleotidesSama_0517 and overlap by 795 nucleotides and overlap by 799 nucleotides and Sama_0518 are separated by 159 nucleotidesSama_0518 and Sama_0519 are separated by 9 nucleotides Sama_0515: Sama_0515 - transporter, putative (RefSeq), at 634,698 to 636,065 _0515 Sama_0516: Sama_0516 - single-strand binding protein (RefSeq), at 636,101 to 636,805 _0516 Sama_0517: Sama_0517 - D-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (RefSeq), at 636,932 to 637,732 _0517 frame -2, at 636,938 to 637,750 frame -2 region with similarity, at 636,952 to 637,744 region with similarity Sama_0518: Sama_0518 - 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase (RefSeq), at 637,904 to 638,665 _0518 Sama_0519: Sama_0519 - 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase (RefSeq), at 638,675 to 639,340 _0519

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