Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 823,100 to 827,100 on scaffold NC_003037:

500 ntSMa1493 and SMa1494 are separated by 86 nucleotidesSMa1494 and are separated by 341 nucleotides and overlap by 1191 nucleotides and SMa1495 overlap by 1105 nucleotidesSMa1495 and SMa1497 are separated by 201 nucleotidesSMa1497 and SMa1500 are separated by 10 nucleotides SMa1493: SMa1493 - LysR family transcriptional regulator, at 822,713 to 823,636 SMa1493 SMa1494: SMa1494 - hypothetical protein, at 823,723 to 824,163 SMa1494 frame +3, at 824,505 to 825,698 frame +3 region with similarity, at 824,508 to 825,696 region with similarity SMa1495: SMa1495 - aminotransferase, at 824,592 to 825,704 SMa1495 SMa1497: SMa1497 - Gst12 glutathione-S-transferase, at 825,906 to 826,553 SMa1497 SMa1500: SMa1500 - oxidoreductase/oxygenase, at 826,564 to 828,330 SMa1500

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