Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 929,124 to 933,124 on scaffold NC_003037:

500 ntSMa1662 and overlap by 107 nucleotides and SMa1664 overlap by 308 nucleotidesSMa1664 and overlap by 1138 nucleotides and SMa1666 are separated by 1197 nucleotides SMa1662: SMa1662 - Cation/multidrug efflux pump, at 927,892 to 931,026 SMa1662 frame +2, at 930,920 to 931,330 frame +2 SMa1664: SMa1664 - HlyD-family protein, at 931,023 to 932,189 SMa1664 region with similarity, at 931,052 to 931,328 region with similarity SMa1666: SMa1666 - hypothetical protein, at 932,526 to 933,005 SMa1666

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