Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 975,660 to 979,660 on scaffold NC_003037:

500 ntSMa1729 and SMa1731 are separated by 193 nucleotidesSMa1731 and overlap by 1464 nucleotides and overlap by 1522 nucleotides and SMa1732 overlap by 26 nucleotidesSMa1732 and SMa1734 are separated by 11 nucleotides SMa1729: SMa1729 - ABC transporter substrate-binding protein, at 975,705 to 976,706 SMa1729 SMa1731: SMa1731 - betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase, at 976,900 to 978,369 SMa1731 frame -3, at 976,906 to 978,447 frame -3 region with similarity, at 976,926 to 978,414 region with similarity SMa1732: SMa1732 - hypothetical protein, at 978,389 to 978,742 SMa1732 SMa1734: SMa1734 - hypothetical protein, at 978,754 to 979,836 SMa1734

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