Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,226,082 to 1,230,082 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00556 and SMc00557 are separated by 63 nucleotidesSMc00557 and overlap by 1134 nucleotides and overlap by 1492 nucleotides and SMc00558 are separated by 103 nucleotidesSMc00558 and SMc00559 are separated by 64 nucleotides SMc00556: SMc00556 - DNA repair protein RadA, at 1,225,968 to 1,227,431 SMc00556 SMc00557: SMc00557 - alanine racemase, at 1,227,495 to 1,228,634 SMc00557 frame -2, at 1,227,501 to 1,229,003 frame -2 region with similarity, at 1,227,512 to 1,228,664 region with similarity SMc00558: SMc00558 - transcriptional regulator, at 1,228,768 to 1,229,625 SMc00558 SMc00559: SMc00559 - hypothetical protein, at 1,229,690 to 1,230,460 SMc00559

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