Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,864,890 to 1,868,890 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00293 and SMc00294 are separated by 80 nucleotidesSMc00294 and overlap by 1212 nucleotides and overlap by 1189 nucleotides and SMc00295 are separated by 115 nucleotidesSMc00295 and SMc00296 are separated by 82 nucleotides SMc00293: SMc00293 - homoserine dehydrogenase, at 1,864,871 to 1,866,193 SMc00293 SMc00294: SMc00294 - aminotransferase, at 1,866,274 to 1,867,491 SMc00294 frame -1, at 1,866,280 to 1,867,503 frame -1 region with similarity, at 1,866,315 to 1,867,500 region with similarity SMc00295: SMc00295 - hypothetical protein, at 1,867,616 to 1,868,050 SMc00295 SMc00296: SMc00296 - POLY3-hydroxybutyrate polymerase, at 1,868,133 to 1,869,968 SMc00296

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