Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,222,343 to 2,226,343 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc04319 and SMc04320 are separated by 42 nucleotidesSMc04320 and SMc04321 are separated by 313 nucleotidesSMc04321 and overlap by 3 nucleotides and overlap by 1065 nucleotides and SMc04322 overlap by 946 nucleotidesSMc04322 and SMc04323 are separated by 221 nucleotides SMc04319: SMc04319 - hypothetical protein, at 2,222,299 to 2,222,586 SMc04319 SMc04320: SMc04320 - 30S ribosomal protein S21, at 2,222,629 to 2,222,865 SMc04320 SMc04321: SMc04321 - glutathione S-transferase, at 2,223,179 to 2,223,853 SMc04321 frame +2, at 2,223,851 to 2,224,933 frame +2 region with similarity, at 2,223,869 to 2,224,835 region with similarity SMc04322: SMc04322 - oxidoreductase, at 2,223,890 to 2,224,939 SMc04322 SMc04323: SMc04323 - aminotransferase, at 2,225,161 to 2,226,387 SMc04323

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