Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 326,641 to 330,641 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00372 and SMc00373 are separated by 140 nucleotidesSMc00373 and SMc00374 are separated by 86 nucleotidesSMc00374 and overlap by 945 nucleotides and overlap by 1063 nucleotides and SMc00375 are separated by 191 nucleotidesSMc00375 and SMc00376 are separated by 48 nucleotides SMc00372: SMc00372 - short chain dehydrogenase, at 326,479 to 327,249 SMc00372 SMc00373: SMc00373 - hypothetical protein, at 327,390 to 328,064 SMc00373 SMc00374: SMc00374 - oxidoreductase transmembrane protein, at 328,151 to 329,101 SMc00374 frame -3, at 328,157 to 329,227 frame -3 region with similarity, at 328,165 to 329,125 region with similarity SMc00375: SMc00375 - oxidoreductase, at 329,317 to 330,303 SMc00375 SMc00376: SMc00376 - hypothetical protein, at 330,352 to 330,762 SMc00376

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