Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 950,094 to 954,094 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00986 and SMc00985 are separated by 47 nucleotidesSMc00985 and overlap by 1437 nucleotides and overlap by 1660 nucleotides and SMc00984 overlap by 61 nucleotidesSMc00984 and SMc00983 are separated by 65 nucleotides SMc00986: SMc00986 - hypothetical protein, at 948,959 to 951,268 SMc00986 SMc00985: SMc00985 - oxidoreductase, at 951,316 to 952,758 SMc00985 frame -1, at 951,322 to 953,001 frame -1 region with similarity, at 951,342 to 952,866 region with similarity SMc00984: SMc00984 - hypothetical protein, at 952,806 to 953,780 SMc00984 SMc00983: SMc00983 - hypothetical protein, at 953,846 to 954,439 SMc00983

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