Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 973,700 to 977,700 on scaffold NC_003047:

500 ntSMc00967 and SMc00966 overlap by 13 nucleotidesSMc00966 and SMc00965 overlap by 17 nucleotidesSMc00965 and overlap by 1491 nucleotides and overlap by 1528 nucleotides and SMc00964 overlap by 56 nucleotidesSMc00964 and SMc00963 are separated by 31 nucleotidesSMc00963 and SMc00962 overlap by 7 nucleotides SMc00967: SMc00967 - hypothetical protein, at 973,353 to 973,754 SMc00967 SMc00966: SMc00966 - acetyl-COA acyltransferase, at 973,742 to 974,935 SMc00966 SMc00965: SMc00965 - hypothetical protein, at 974,919 to 976,415 SMc00965 frame -2, at 974,925 to 976,493 frame -2 region with similarity, at 974,966 to 976,475 region with similarity SMc00964: SMc00964 - hypothetical protein, at 976,420 to 976,983 SMc00964 SMc00963: SMc00963 - hypothetical protein, at 977,015 to 977,620 SMc00963 SMc00962: SMc00962 - ABC transporter ATP-binding protein, at 977,614 to 978,294 SMc00962

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