Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 105,746 to 109,746 on scaffold NC_003078:

500 ntSM_b20097 and SM_b20098 are separated by 8 nucleotidesSM_b20098 and overlap by 217 nucleotides and overlap by 1653 nucleotides and SM_b20099 overlap by 1456 nucleotidesSM_b20099 and SM_b20100 are separated by 1 nucleotides SM_b20097: SM_b20097 - oxidoreductase, at 105,495 to 106,724 _b20097 SM_b20098: SM_b20098 - hypothetical protein, at 106,733 to 107,128 _b20098 frame +1, at 106,912 to 108,753 frame +1 region with similarity, at 107,101 to 108,580 region with similarity SM_b20099: SM_b20099 - maltose alpha-D-glucosyltransferase, at 107,125 to 108,759 _b20099 SM_b20100: SM_b20100 - dehydrogenase, at 108,761 to 109,747 _b20100

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