Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,540,984 to 1,544,984 on scaffold NC_003078:

500 ntSM_b20751 and SM_b20752 are separated by 46 nucleotidesSM_b20752 and SM_b20753 are separated by 12 nucleotidesSM_b20753 and overlap by 1137 nucleotides and overlap by 1219 nucleotides and SM_b20754 are separated by 26 nucleotides SM_b20751: SM_b20751 - 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, at 1,540,339 to 1,541,235 _b20751 SM_b20752: SM_b20752 - 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase, at 1,541,282 to 1,542,352 _b20752 SM_b20753: SM_b20753 - acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, at 1,542,365 to 1,543,507 _b20753 frame -3, at 1,542,371 to 1,543,603 frame -3 region with similarity, at 1,542,385 to 1,543,597 region with similarity SM_b20754: SM_b20754 - hypothetical protein, at 1,543,624 to 1,545,099 _b20754

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