Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 592,707 to 596,707 on scaffold NC_003078:

500 ntSM_b20807 and SM_b20808 overlap by 25 nucleotidesSM_b20808 and are separated by 188 nucleotides and overlap by 1002 nucleotides and SM_b20809 overlap by 448 nucleotidesSM_b20809 and SM_b20810 are separated by 112 nucleotides SM_b20807: SM_b20807 - hypothetical protein, at 591,882 to 593,519 _b20807 SM_b20808: SM_b20808 - hypothetical protein, at 593,495 to 594,271 _b20808 frame +1, at 594,460 to 595,491 frame +1 region with similarity, at 594,490 to 594,955 region with similarity SM_b20809: SM_b20809 - arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase, at 594,508 to 595,497 _b20809 SM_b20810: SM_b20810 - membrane-located cell surface saccharide acetylase, at 595,610 to 597,643 _b20810

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