Browse Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 814,998 to 818,998 on scaffold NC_003078:

500 ntSM_b21246 and SM_b21247 are separated by 40 nucleotidesSM_b21247 and are separated by 47 nucleotides and overlap by 1200 nucleotides and SM_b21248 overlap by 1174 nucleotidesSM_b21248 and SM_b21249 are separated by 31 nucleotidesSM_b21249 and SM_b21250 are separated by 410 nucleotides SM_b21246: SM_b21246 - UDP-phosphate galactose phosphotransferase, at 814,934 to 815,626 _b21246 SM_b21247: SM_b21247 - hypothetical protein, at 815,667 to 816,353 _b21247 frame +2, at 816,401 to 817,606 frame +2 region with similarity, at 816,407 to 817,595 region with similarity SM_b21248: SM_b21248 - aminotransferase, at 816,422 to 817,612 _b21248 SM_b21249: SM_b21249 - sulfotransferase, at 817,644 to 818,486 _b21249 SM_b21250: SM_b21250 - glycosyltransferase, at 818,897 to 820,180 _b21250

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