Browse Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 2,053,938 to 2,057,938 on scaffold NC_007604:

500 ntpds and pys are separated by 80 nucleotidespys and Synpcc7942_1985 are separated by 32 nucleotidesSynpcc7942_1985 and overlap by 888 nucleotides and overlap by 1117 nucleotides and pqqL overlap by 95 nucleotidespqqL and rpaC are separated by 165 nucleotides Synpcc7942_1983: pds - zeta-carotene desaturase / three-step phytoene desaturase, at 2,052,981 to 2,054,405 pds Synpcc7942_1984: pys - phytoene synthase, at 2,054,486 to 2,055,412 pys Synpcc7942_1985: Synpcc7942_1985 - hypothetical protein, at 2,055,445 to 2,056,338 _1985 frame -2, at 2,055,451 to 2,056,581 frame -2 region with similarity, at 2,055,465 to 2,056,425 region with similarity Synpcc7942_1986: pqqL - processing protease, at 2,056,331 to 2,057,653 pqqL Synpcc7942_1987: rpaC - hypothetical protein, at 2,057,819 to 2,058,133 rpaC

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