Browse Pseudomonas simiae WCS417

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,915,539 to 1,919,539 on scaffold CP007637:

500 ntPS417_08800 and PS417_08805 are separated by 165 nucleotidesPS417_08805 and PS417_08810 are separated by 10 nucleotidesPS417_08810 and overlap by 1770 nucleotides and overlap by 1729 nucleotides and PS417_08815 are separated by 220 nucleotidesPS417_08815 and PS417_08820 are separated by 134 nucleotides PS417_08800: PS417_08800 - tartronate semialdehyde reductase, at 1,914,782 to 1,915,672 _08800 PS417_08805: PS417_08805 - hydroxypyruvate isomerase, at 1,915,838 to 1,916,620 _08805 PS417_08810: PS417_08810 - glyoxylate carboligase, at 1,916,631 to 1,918,406 _08810 frame -2, at 1,916,637 to 1,918,457 frame -2 region with similarity, at 1,916,729 to 1,918,442 region with similarity PS417_08815: PS417_08815 - GlcG protein, at 1,918,663 to 1,919,103 _08815 PS417_08820: PS417_08820 - transposase, at 1,919,238 to 1,919,696 _08820

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