Browse Pseudomonas simiae WCS417

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 5,218,108 to 5,222,108 on scaffold CP007637:

500 ntPS417_24105 and are separated by 18 nucleotides and PS417_24110 overlap by 634 nucleotides PS417_24105: PS417_24105 - D-lactate transporter (lctP family) (from data), at 5,218,053 to 5,219,747 _24105 frame +3, at 5,219,766 to 5,222,621 frame +3 region with similarity, at 5,219,775 to 5,220,450 region with similarity PS417_24110: PS417_24110 - 4Fe-4S ferredoxin, at 5,219,817 to 5,222,627 _24110

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